We offer strategic consulting and implement creative and effective communication projects with the aim of strengthening brand awareness with measurable and tangible results. We have solid and lasting relationships with the main publishing groups, both online and offline, as well as with institutions and stakeholders, without ever forgetting the key role of data analysis.
- Strategic communication consultancy
- Corporate and product press office
- Media training courses
- Internal communication
- Scenario analysis
- Media Monitoring

Digital PR & Influencer Marketing
By constantly monitoring the web, we map and scout influencers and design creative campaigns. We define the message, the tools, the stories and the actions needed to achieve brand objectives.
- Strategic consulting
- Influencers’ mapping and scouting
- Creation of creative campaigns
- Digital activations
- Measurement and Reporting

Communicating through an event is a means of reinforcing brand values and messages in an entertaining and memorable way. We are experienced event organizers and we can take care of every single step that makes a show outstanding: from concept creation to implementation.
- Workshops
- Consumer events
- Media open days
- Conventions
- Road–show

Crisis Management
The reputation of a brand is essential. We offer complete support by counseling on strategy as well as preparing and performing the actions, starting from the analysis of potential risks through to the management of crisis communication.
- Identification and analysis of potential risks
- Stakeholder mapping
- Preparation of procedures and guidelines
- 24/7 support in the event of an active crisis
- Media Monitoring

Public Affairs
We establish the best conditions for our clients to become trustworthy interlocutors for institutions, bodies of interest and decision makers. We offer a specialized service in advocacy and law drafting at Italian and international level. We monitor the political-institutional activity with the aim of developing institutional relationship and aggregating with key stakeholders.
- Institutional Intelligence activities
- Strategic legislative monitoring (Italy-EU)
- Workshop
- Political and institutional press office
- Crisis management